Castle Siege

Castle Siege

  • Maker/s: Viannie Olarita, Prescila Joy Malalis



The materials needed for this product is as follows:
-    Boxes
-    Black paper or cartolina
-    Paint
-    Any kind of glue
-    Scissors
-    Masking tape
-    Spoon
-    Plastic cut-out size
-    The Arduino Kit:
•    1 Potentiometer
•    1 Pushbutton
•    2 Servo Motors
•    1 Piezo Buzzer
•    4 LEDs
-    and other materials like crepe paper, printed cut-outs, folder sleeves, etc. to make it look cool.





It is inspired by medieval times when catapults are used to throw burning rocks or coals to break down castle walls. This is also inspired by an arcade machine in Fun Time a few years ago. 



About the Makers


Honestly, we're not techy people. We're introverts and we prefer to experience technology and not make them. But we both like gaming and so we used that common interest to create something that we don't normally do.


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