Golden Lucky Cat

Golden Lucky Cat

  • Maker/s: Faiha Mohamad, Mary Alagaban

Taking care of a pet is not easy, so with the opportunity to create anything using the knowledge we gained from the G10 computer lessons, we made a functional cat. This object can be seen when we go to a store. It is a gold cat that entertains and attracts us. Store owners believe that this object brings them luck so they can run their stores smoothly. We decided to make this product because we want something that is creative, could display in the room, and entertain guests.




'- piezo buzzer (1) - ir sensor (1) - led (2) - servo (1) - ir resistor (1) - jumper wires - Arduino board (1) - breadboard (1)





I have seen previous projects and I was amazed at how creative they are and put effort into their product. I was motivated to create our project and did my best to design our project.




Making this product reminds us of our childhood days. It brings back old memories. Though, this gold lucky cat is not often seen in the store nowadays. That’s why we decided to make this product as an entertainment and display that can remind us of our childhood days. Our experience in making this product was exciting and fun because we get to bring back this gold lucky cat but with our own ideas of creating a new design of our gold lucky cat. Though, there were times that we encountered difficulties making this product, such as the coding and assembling the Arduino to our product. Lastly, what we realised after making our product is it helps us enhance our creativity level when we create robotic products and it also serves as practice for the next project that applies our development of ideas, creativity, and skills.



About the Makers


Mary Alagaban is a student who likes to dance and do arts & crafts. She has been interested in this ever since grade 2 and has been slowly trying to improve herself. She had created her own prop for her cosplay like Marceline's axe guitar, Hange's grappling gun, and a DIY TXT lightstick. They like to do anything that allows them to be creative while having fun.

Faiha Mohamad is a student who likes to do arts, and sports, and play video games.



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