Gumball Machine

Gumball Machine

  • Maker/s: Iratze Maristaza, Syd Agcopra, Angelica Chung

This was made possible by the Arduino Uno and Arduino IDE, as well as its components. It includes a servo motor, a potentiometer, a piezo buzzer, two infrared sensors, and two LEDs. The framework of the robot is made entirely out of old cardboard and tape covered with construction paper, and an old plastic jar for the gumballs.




Arduino Materials:
 Arduino Microcontroller
 jumper wires
 2 green LEDs
 2 220-ohm resistors
 2 IR sensors
 servo motor
 piezo buzzer

Gumball Machine Materials:
 old cardboard box
 scotch tape and masking tape
 construction paper
 plastic jar
 glue gun
 glue sticks





When I was younger, I used to watch YouTube videos of people making mini vending machines out of cardboard, legos, and some robotic components. This piqued my interest in making one of those, but I had no idea how and had no materials to work with. However, I still wanted to make something similar to those DIY vending machines I saw on YouTube.


As we reached Grade 10, we were introduced to the world of robots and Arduino. Our group was able to achieve this as we now have the skills and knowledge necessary to build a robot or a machine. With the help of an Arduino Uno and Arduino IDE, we created a gumball machine from recycled and used materials.




While making our product, we felt excited yet confused. We were interested in creating a project similar to this, and now we have the knowledge and capability to do so. However, there would always be obstacles along the way. Once in a while, our group would be stuck figuring out the coding, progression, and assembling of our entire product. Nonetheless, the overall experience was something to be proud of because we were able to successfully design and put together a robot using the things we learned in our Computer class.


A realization after making our product is that we have the capability to create our own robot for entertainment or for its benefits. We realized that the lack of knowledge is the only thing preventing us from creating these. All we had to do was to learn what we needed and how to use it. A second realization is that a small error can have a large impact. In our experience, would get stuck while putting together our Arduino components, only to discover that there was a minor mistake in the code or the connections.



About the Makers


I am constantly motivated by a desire to understand how things work. The thrill of creating something new and unique drives me. My mind is constantly buzzing with ideas, and I'm always experimenting and tinkering with new concepts. I am constantly looking for new ways to improve and innovate, as well as ways to challenge myself and broaden my knowledge.


I've always been driven to achieve my goals and make a positive difference in the world. I take my responsibilities seriously and strive to meet my obligations to the best of my ability. I believe that my willingness to push myself has contributed to my success in life. Through my motivation and desire to make a positive difference in the world, and I am always looking for new ways to give back to my community and make a difference.


I am constantly striving to achieve my objectives while also enjoying the journey along the way. I have a natural talent for a wide range of activities, and I have always been passionate about using my talents to make a difference in the world. To stay balanced and centered, I prioritize fun and enjoyment in my life. This allows me to continue pushing myself to be the best that I can be.


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