Wall-E: The Future is Now

Wall-E: The Future is Now

  • Maker/s: Myrille Labo, Julia Asuncion, Carmela Paña



To create Wall-E, one would need the following:
• Cardboard box
• Black crepe paper (or any black paper alternative)
• Folder/Cardboard envelope
• Cutter
• Scissors
• Glue
• Masking tape 
• Gold or rusty yellow paint (spray, poster, textile)

Eva (Prop)
• Paper
• Flour
• Cornstarch
• Salt
• Water
• Glue
• Stick
• Clay





The moment we found out that our Exit Product was to be made with servo motors, the first thing that came into mind was immediately Wall-E - the cute, loveable, and wholesome robot of our childhood. Our love and fondness for Wall-E inspired us to bring him to life along with Eva. We wanted to apply our knowledge of the third quarter lessons in the best way possible, which we know our audience would love and enjoy as well. Most importantly, we also wanted to convey and embody the overall message of the movie, which is to love, care, and protect our environment in our own simple way - through the making of Wall-E from recycled materials and including a plant for our call to action. All in all, it is our desire for excellence and magis and our care for the environment that inspired us to create not just our robotics project, but to use our knowledge for the better. 



About the Makers


Julia, Myrille, and Carmela are a group of friends that always strive for excellence despite limitations of any form. They always make room for opportunities and accept advices and critiques for them to improve and become better. Julia likes to dabble in numerous technological hobbies, such as online games, picture and video-taking, and her main expertise, video-editing.


If you need any help tech-related, Julia is the one to call. Myrille is more into analytical things, like Math or Science, even if it sometimes hurts her brain. If you need help in problem-solving involving calculations, you may ask Myrille. Lastly, Carmela is one of the best when it comes to anything essay or writing-related, especially with a handwriting that looks to be printed. If you need a more extravagant or a better written output, don't hesitate to approach Carmela.


Together, these three compose a stellar group presenting a project to present the future and a call for love of Earth.


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