Pavilion Night Light with A Theft Warning Feature

Pavilion Night Light with A Theft Warning Feature

  • Maker/s: Patricia Ascaño, Jilliane Eran

With our exit product here, we aim to build a simple Pavilion Nightlight with a theft warning feature that is under the guidance of a human user to prove that robots are useful as they are entertaining when used appropriately. 

Here's how it works. From the name itself, the user may turn the knob to make the 3 LEDs light up, making it a nightlight. The circle behind will tell that the product is lit up since it will point to the night instead of the day. Like so, the LEDs will also turn off once the knob is turned in the opposite direction and the circle will point to the day. If there is an object placed in the proximity of the infrared sensor which is near the small 3D model pavilion, the piezo buzzer will stop beeping, however, when the object placed is taken away, the buzzer will continue making noise so as to alert and give a warning. This can be useful to have in order to prevent successful thefts and to just have an accompanying light in the darkness of the night.




For the Body of the Robot:

cardboard box
printed pavilion foldable template
paper folder
construction papers

double-sided tape
glue gun
cutter or scissors
coloring materials

For the Robotics components:

Male-to-female jumper wires
Male jumper wires
1 servo motor
1 infrared sensor
1 piezo buzzer
1 potentiometer
3 20k-ohm resistors
3 LEDs (Yellow)





There certainly were inspirations that we had as we created our project. For the design, both the creators liked the art style of Ghbili films. Pat, in particular, loved the animation, vibe, and overall music in the movies. We wanted as well to incorporate the pop-up books feel that we had as children, to make the product fascinating to look at, in order to hide its hidden feature. The main feature was to have a night light that is slightly dim to accompany one's sweet dreams and discourage imaginations that scare off people due to the darkness of the night.


Although this is quite suited to children of younger ages, it can cater to teens and adults as well, just like how Ghibli films are universal or can be watched by all, if not most ages. The hidden feature or the theft warning sound is inspired by the times that other people touch and move things that they do not own. Just like Patricia's dog who sometimes caused her stress, when things would go missing because of it. The beeping noise allows the user to be alerted when his/her valuable is taken away from their rightful place in our output and discourage the thief from stealing more. 



About the Makers


Patricia Ascaño is a student-leader who is talented in arts and crafts ever since she was young. With her love for drawing both digitally and traditionally in imitating nature, she has grown her skills and extended her interest in robotics. The outgoing nature she possesses as well as her introverted side makes her a unique fellow capable of many fields. Some of these are watching movies, engaging in sports, and dancing. It may be known that such hobbies have made her creativity vast which reflects even in her outputs in robotics. 

Similarly, Jilliane Eran is also a student and friend of Patricia who enjoys drawing occasionally to relieve stress. In contrast to her friend, Jilliane prefers gaming indoors, and singing for fun. At a young age, she has shown interest in conducting simple experiments with food and objects, which had her seen as an odd one in her family. However, this did not stop the curiosity of her childhood from being ignited along with her seemingly growing interest in robotics.

It is no wonder that these two people, who are the youngest children in their respective families, voluntarily partnered up to create a project that is filled with ideas and creativity. Tinkering with the components and feeling the sense of exploration in robotics encouraged them to undergo and enjoy the process even more, hoping that their innovations can be of help to the people. 


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