Lucky Block Surprise

Lucky Block Surprise

  • Maker/s: Hariet Jermaine Baja, Vince Orry Estor, Lex Shan Gabriel Lacubtan

The solution that we came up with to this problem of ours is creating an entertainment robot that will enable us to have fun playing with it in our houses without being exposed to too much technology and radiation, which are coming from our computers.




•    Yellow acrylic paint 
•    Bond paper
•    Pencil
•    Ruler
•    Glue gun and glue stick
•    Illustration boards
•    Arduino kit 1 and 2
•    Multi-colored construction paper
•    Elmer’s Glue
•    Masking tape
•    Chopsticks/BBQ sticks





What inspired us to make this robotics application is the drive to create something that would entertain people in the form of an object from a game that we three friends have played together for the longest of time in which is a lucky block from Minecraft.




When we were making the final product, I felt motivated to see what the final product would look like and if it would really work because, as a group, we spent countless hours to create the project, and in the end, the project we made satisfied the expectations we put on it which is also a reason why I feel motivated. The overall experience was tiring yet worth it because of the results that it yielded and the fun process that we underwent to make it. Not only was the results rewarding and fruitful, but in the process we were not only able to enhance each other’s robotic skills but we were also able to bond as friends through the many hours that we spent together making this project. After making our product, I realized that we could invent many things by ourselves if we just put effort into it and put our minds to it, nothing is impossible as long as we set our sights on it, With logic and science, nothing is an impossible feat!


About the Makers


We were always the experimental and techy bunch; we liked to play video games in our free time, and as friends, we bonded the most when we got on a call and played games the whole day. 

Lex is outgoing and energetic, he likes to go headstrong into things without knowing the consequences, he's the type of person that enjoys the moment and worries about the consequences later, although he may be headstrong, he is the most mature among the three of us, always knowing what to prioritize and the right decision to make when the going gets tough.

Hariet is outgoing or conservative depending on the people that surround him, he thinks logically but at most times he makes the most illogical decisions which make his personality a contradicting one, he's kind and is very frugal with his money and overall is a great and fun person to be with.

Vince is the smart and techy guy that loves to laze around. He likes to spend most of his time playing games with his friends and practicing his hobbies. Although he may like to laze around, he is a very talented person in anything he does, be it music, his studies, sports, you name it, he can do it!

When G10 robotics came along, we were intrigued because the subject seemed fun and challenging at the same time, With this subject, our skills in technology are put to good use, and through robotics, we are able to tinker and create endless inventions that would fill up our boredom.

As friends who liked to play games, we liked playing multiplayer games, and a multiplayer game that was simple yet so intriguing which kept us hooked for months was Minecraft, we experimented and played a lot of Minecraft in the pandemic and now that we were given the freedom to create any robot that we want, we three decided to create a robot that was inspired by a minecraft object which was a lucky block.



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