An Angry Bird's Egg

An Angry Bird's Egg

  • Maker/s: Dwyane Wade G. Caronan



Cartolina, Construction paper, arduino kit, card board boxes, tape, glue, scissors, and cutters.




Angry Birds is what inspired me to make this.




I felt very tired and overwhelmed while making the product, especially since I made it all on my own. The overall experience was time consuming but was very fun and satisfying because I did it all on my own accord and own hard work. I realized how simple it was to make a simple contraption/robot such as this, it is just that it requires a lot of time and stamina to do and execute well in all.

Overall, I feel very proud about what I did, though hopefully next time I can do this with others so it will be more fun. At the very least, I didn’t have to worry about waiting for the outputs of the others for I only have myself to worry for. 
I love the product that I’ve done although it isn’t as perfect as I’d hoped it would be, I’m still happy with what I made.



About the Maker


I really like fiction and immersing myself in the fantasy and the universe of the book I'm reading, the show I'm watching, or the game I'm playing.

I would really like to be able to make the stories I made myself to be made into a book, a show, or a game so everyone can immerse themselves in the world I've created.
I really love stories.



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