Wi-Fi-Controlled Car

Wi-Fi-Controlled Car

  • Maker/s: Nysa Caneos, Napoleon Baday, Erika Salon



[  ] Old Folders
[  ] Arduino Uno r3
[  ] Arduino Nano
[  ] Nodemcu esp8266 (wifi board)
[  ] A Breadboard
[  ] Jumper Wires
[  ] 4x Dc Motors
[  ] 4x wheels
[  ] l298n Motor Driver
[  ] Printed Layout of the Car body
[  ] Old folders
[  ] Buzzer
[  ] Light Dependent Resistor
[  ] 2x Dip Switch
[  ] A power switch (big red switch)
[  ] Potentiometers
[  ] 2x servo motors





We wanted to have a product that was entertaining for the user and that could also be controlled by the user.




It was an interesting, fun, and exciting idea that we chose to make a wifi-controlled car. Every step was truly a process of learning, development, and growth for me. From making the car model, figuring out which wire goes to where, and trying multiple ways to get the sketch code working, it was one big roller-coaster ride for the group.



About the Makers


Nysa Caneos enjoys playing games, especially online games. She is interested in becoming an engineer in the future, and if they were to describe her personality, it would be adventurous and wild.

This person has a remarkable ability to adapt to different situations, and they do their best to stay calm and level-headed even when things get stressful. They have a heart for others and always look for ways to help out in any way they can. They strive to be kind to everyone they encounter, recognizing that each person has their own unique struggles and challenges. Though they have a strong sense of determination, they are careful not to let that turn into arrogance, always remembering that there is still much to learn and accomplish. He excels in the art of robotics and is looking to take on the field of engineering. He is Napoleon S. Baday.

Erika Salon is best at taking initiative and is a very creative person. She is positive and always a radiant beam of light. She is a student leader, a varsity player, an excellent student, and an amazing friend. 

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